Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cold Dead Hand, Sista! Cold Dead Hand!

I found this story last night while looking into the juxtaposition of statistics regarding “accidents” caused by drunk drivers and “accidents” caused “by” firearms. Now, I realize here that it’s kind of a silly thing to study since there really isn’t such a thing as an “accidental shooting.” It’s okay if you disagree with me on this issue. You’re wrong, but it’s okay. We can talk about that later. Right now I’m disgusted for Meleanie Hain.

Here's the story:

Before heading out the door to go to Wal-Mart, Meleanie Hain fussed over her children, grabbed her coat and keys, then ran upstairs to get one more item: her loaded Glock 26, which she strapped to her hip.

She never leaves home without it.

Hain, 30, has caused a stir in this rural Pennsylvania Dutch community 25 miles east of Harrisburg for packing a gun everywhere she goes, including to her 5-year-old daughter's soccer games this fall.

She's paid a big price for sticking to her gun.

The mother of four, who often carries a baby on one hip and her Glock on the other, has been criticized by even the most ardent gun-lovers. From once-friendly neighbors to the local police chief, the general feeling is that Hain's pistol-packing behavior is, well, extreme.

"People get alarmed because they don't see that too often," said Charlie Jones, a soccer coach who confronted Hain about the gun at a Sept. 11 game. "They don't know what your intentions are going to be."

Hain said the outcry has hurt her babysitting business and left her feeling isolated. She has been called an attention-seeker, psycho, moron and worse on hundreds of pages on Internet forums. Neighbors have blasted her on radio shows, her daughter's principal warned her against taking the gun to school (she doesn't), and the local police chief advised her to put it away.

Now she is firing back. On Oct. 24, Hain filed a federal lawsuit against Lebanon County and Mike DeLeo, the sheriff who revoked her gun permit after jittery parents complained about her at the Sept. 11 game.

The suit says they violated her constitutional and civil rights and seeks more than $1 million.

"The sheriff got on TV after the hearing and said, 'I stand by my decision,' " said Hain, who grew up in Lancaster County in a family that did not own guns. "That comment makes people think I'm still an idiot and what he did was right."

DeLeo, who calls himself a staunch NRA member, said he has nothing against guns but felt it was his duty to take action "because of the safety and security issues involving [children] on the field."

Last week, the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence offered to defend DeLeo and the county for free.

"This is a case that calls out for common sense and sanity," said Daniel Vice, the center's senior attorney. "It's an incredible risk to bring a loaded semi-automatic weapon to a children's soccer game."

No one disputes Hain's right to own a gun. Many of her critics are hunters. But they say that packing heat at a soccer game - or anywhere else around children - is dangerous and foolhardy.

In Pennsylvania, gun owners are allowed to carry weapons in the open as Hain does, but need a permit to conceal them in a pocket, purse or car. So without a permit, Hain could still carry a gun at the game but couldn't take it in the car to get there.

Even Judge Robert J. Eby, who restored her permit on Oct. 14, said he thought she lacked good judgment and common sense.

"You scared the devil out of some other people," Eby said.

He chided her for causing anxiety and apprehension in other people and said he didn't think anyone needed gun protection at a 5-year-old's soccer game. Concealing it "would be the right thing to do," he said. (end of article)

This is what I have to say about it:

Meleanie, I’m so sorry that you experienced the misfortune of dealing with ignorant, ill-informed humans. Sadly, there some uneducated people all over our country working in law enforcement. I can promise you that my husband and I will do everything we can to ensure this doesn’t happen to anyone else, and we will do all we can to educate as many people as we can in regards to the laws of The United States of America! Please know that I support you, and I have your back covered by own 9mm Smith and Wesson. (My brother carries a Glock, and I do admire your choice. Austrians make very nice weapons!) Mel, we’ll have to talk sometime… I’m looking at Kimber, and I’d love to hear your opinion.

As a card carrying member of the NRA, I stand up, gun in hand (or legally concealed in my bag) and say, “The right of the people to keep and BEAR arms shall not be infringed.”

I looked up the meaning of the word, “Bear,” and this is what I’ve found:

have; be entitled to; to hold; exhibit; show; carry; possess; fit for or worthy of possession

I also looked up the meaning of “infringe,” and this is what I’ve found:

usurp; lift; meddle; invade; trespass; pirate; break; breech; intrude; interfere

So, I’m trying to figure out exactly the problem with Meleanie’s choice to “bear” her “arms.” I have no difficulty in finding the problem with Sheriff Mike DeLeo, if in fact, he actually said what I read in the paper. (I’m hoping this is all an exaggeration, an unfortunate misunderstanding, or that Ashten Kutcher is “Punking” us; because if this really went down the way it reads in the paper then I’m afraid for our country in that Mike DeLeo is one extremely ignorant son-of-a-gun carrying a gun in the name of the law!) Here’s my problem with this hopefully well intended, but sadly wrong Sheriff: he infringed Meleanie’s rights!!!

The 2nd amendment doesn’t say, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed except in the cases of:

1. Attending a soccer game
2. The complaints of ignorant neighbors
3. Uneducated citizens
4. Opposing opinions of those wishing to usurp the laws of this great country
5. Unsubstantiated fears of those in the community

Nope, it doesn’t list any exceptions~ not one! I do need to ensure that Sheriff DeLeo received a citation for his choice in so clearly breaking the law by “infringing” Meleanie’s right to keep and bear arms!

I do find a few pieces (no pun intended) of this article entertaining.

1. Charlie Jones saying, "They don't know what your intentions are going to be." I'm pretty sure Meleanie's intent was to be an American. Maybe it was to "serve and protect" since we obviously see that Sheriff DeLeo is unable of providing it.

2. What kind of kid is going to try to take a gun from an adult's holster? Obviously Meleanie's kids haven't tried it. If a child tries to take an adult's gun then that child needs some serious help! What kind of parent doesn’t teach a child to keep his/her hands to himself??? Why is it Meleanie’s fault if a child isn’t properly taught? No child (even my own) should ever touch an adult’s possession whether it is a gun, some candy, or a Bible. Seriously… we teach our kids not to take candy from strangers, shouldn’t we teach them not to take guns from strangers, as well?

3. (The most ridiculous point of the entire article,) “Even Judge Robert J. Eby, who restored her permit on Oct. 14, said he thought she lacked good judgment and common sense. ‘You scared the devil out of some other people,’ Eby said. He chided her for causing anxiety and apprehension in other people and said he didn't think anyone needed gun protection at a 5-year-old's soccer game. Concealing it ‘would be the right thing to do,’ he said.” I find this ridiculous because, as I mentioned earlier, “Bear: to possess; hold; to have; to EXHIBIT; to SHOW!

Meleanie, you go girl! Cold dead hand, Sista! Cold dead hand!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Day in the Life

Have you ever hoped for a day free from answering questions? Well, there, I just ruined today for you. While Redge was working in New Orleans, post Hurricane Katrina, I learned a lot about choices and decisions. The things I learned came down to two lessons:

1~ not only is choice a right by God, but also by our founding fathers. 2~ it is not meet that man (or woman) should choose alone.

I was raised on choices. My first year at Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho) was life changing for me! I know, most people say that about their freshman years in college, but I was really blessed. I was invited by my extremely generous Aunt Norma and Uncle Karl (yes, Karl with a "K" because you can't spell Keith with a "C") to live in their home. At any rate... while living with Uncle Karl and Aunt Norma I noticed how similarly these wise parents raised their children in comparison to the choices my parents made regarding my siblings and me. It was if they used the same outline.

One day I sat with my Aunt and asked, "How? Why? Grandma Edwards has 24 grandkids, and we're all good people." Aunt Norma showed me then the outline used by all four of my Grandma's sons and daughters-in-law. Choice and Accountability. Aunt Norma showed me example after example of how we, the grandkids of Elbert and Mary Edwards, were given opportunities from birth to make our own choices, and then abide by the consequences. For instance: "Jeana Lee, would you like to wear the blue dress or the red dress?" "Melinda, would you like honey or jelly on your sandwich?" Then as we get older the choices become a bit more difficult. "Lyndee, would you like to sit quietly in Sacrament Meeting with your brothers and sisters, or would you like to sit on my lap in the foyer?" "Lyndee, would you like to be home before curfew, or stay home for the next two weekends?"

I've heard people say that my choice of religion, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, uses force and brainwashing to bind people to our teachings. I know and understand it quite differently. My parents never forced me to go to church. I don't remember any of us stating we would not attend church, and therefore there was never an issue of force. Redge and I have yet to meet opposition in regards to our children not wanting to attend our church. If we do, we have a plan. Our plan with church is the same plan we have for any other rule set in our home. If you don't like our rules, fine. You don't have to stay in our home. It's that easy.

This is the same plan Heavenly Father uses. If you don't like my rules, fine, you don't have to keep my commandments, and you don't have to live in my home (the Celestial Kingdom.) Our country is founded on the exact same principle. This past Summer Redge and I were studying the Declaration of Independence. As we studied we looked for definitions and synonyms for the word "Liberty." What we found is very interesting. We found, self-governed, self-directed, self-reliant, independent." This is so amazing to me, that it is so similar to the teachings of the gospel, but so far from what Redge and I have seen as a growing epidemic in some parts of the world, our country, and even in our own neighborhoods. I'm grateful for latter-day prophets who continue to teach self-reliance! Despite some trends sweeping in the opposite direction, I'm grateful for the map so wisely and divinely written so long ago by a group of men with the most noble of intentions.

As I watch and grieve over the downward spiral regarding the morals and ethics of our society I see it almost always comes to the breakdown of family, and I think I know why. While Redge was in New Orleans I had to choose and hold fast to every family decision made in our home. I had to do this all by myself!!! When Redge was preparing to leave, and while he was gone my friends and family would ask, "Is there anything we can do?" Or, they would kindly and sincerely offer, "If there's anything you need, please let us know." Well, I did need something, but it wasn't anything with which anyone other than Redge could help. I need help making decisions! I needed help in following through with consequences. I needed help with consistency! It is so hard to decide everything! What do we have for dinner? Well,Taite doesn't like that. Do I make it, and make her eat it, or do I make it, and make her something else? Should I fight bathing all the kids tonight? What do I have going on tomorrow? Will I have more time in the morning to bathe one of them, and bathe two of them tomorrow night? Should I allow Reece to play with Chase even though he has a book report due in two days? After all... it isn't his fault his dad lives in New Orleans, he's having such a hard time, should I give in here? If the kids cry at night should I let them just sleep in my bed? Should I still have them do chores, or should I let them have a break? It is so hard and tiresome to make all the decisions! Then, we add our guilt for placing our kids in these predicaments, so we allow them more leniency than we should, and thus begins the downward spiral. Heavenly Father never intended for us to make and follow through with all these decisions on our own. It isn't meet that we be alone. I'm so grateful for a husband who is my partner, who by helping me make decisions makes my life so much easier.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I Can't Find My TicTacs!!!

In studying the Book of Mormon sometimes I wonder, "Why did this bit of information make the cut?" Throughtout the Book of Mormon we read things like, "I do not write it all here." Then, we know that Mormon did some pretty major abridgments before handing over the plates to his son, Moroni. Now, I need to make sure that anyone reading this doesn't mistake any of my comments for questioning what should have been written in the plates. That is not my intent. I know the Book of Mormon is true! I know that exactly what Heavenly Father wants us to have at this time is written within its pages. I only ask, "Why did this bit of information make the cut?" because I'm not smart enough to get out of it what Father intends. The miscommunication is definitely on my end, not on the end of Heavenly Father.

Let me try showing you what I mean. What's Nephi's wife's name? I don't know either. I can't find it anywhere in the Book of Mormon. Does omitting her name mean she isn't worthy of being mentioned? By not mentioning her name does it mean Nephi doesn't love her, or is it just because she's a woman that makes her unworthy of mentioning? My answer to all three of these questions is absolutely NOT!!! I have no idea why we don't know her name. Maybe because it isn't necessary to our salvation, maybe Nephi was trying to protect her, maybe her name is really long and hard to spell and pronounce like the Brother of Jacob's name. The one thing I do know about it is, and I quote Pahoran, "It mattereth not."

For me, Heavenly Father often gives me the opportunity to decided what really matters. There's a line from the movie "You've Got Mail" that I use quite often. Tom Hanks' character is stuck in an elevator with his girlfriend (played by Parker Posey), and the elevator dude. The two men are making some real discoveries for themselves about themselves. They have life changing experiences.

At that point Parker Posey's character shakes her bag, and yells, "I can't find my tic tacs!" Whenever I find myself upset about something which "mattereth not" I stop and yell, "I can't find my TicTacs!" Redge and Reece laugh at me, and the universe once again balances itself.

So, as I was reading in 1 Nephi last night I got to chapter 16 where Nephi's bow breaks. Every time I get to this point I lose my breath when I read, "And also my father began to murmur against the Lord his God."

Up to this point all we know about Lehi is like totally amazingly good stuff! He's a prophet, he's obedient, he loves his family. In fact, just earlier in this chapter, in verse 8, Nephi writes, "And thus my father had fulfilled all the commandments of the Lord which had been given unto him." This is incredible! I know I certainly have not fulfilled every commandment given me of the Lord! But then, Lehi slips. Its like a dagger in my heart every single time!

The first few times I read this about Lehi I asked, "Why did this make the cut? Why couldn't this have been omitted during an abridgement?" But, I'm pretty sure I know why. Because "It Mattereth." It's there for me. It's there for me to know that absolutely no person on Earth; with the obvious exception of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; is perfect. Not Lehi, not Peter, not Nephi's no-name wife, not Sister Hinckley, not Sister Monson, and definitely not Lyndee Edwards Hudson. But, there is hope for EVERYONE!

So, when my house is a little messy I can say, "It mattereth not." And when I get frustrated with my kids I can say, "Well, that mattereth, but just like Lehi, I too can repent." Yep, the Book of Mormon is one good, true book. I'm so grateful for it and the teachings found inside. It balances me. It keeps my priorities in order. It teaches me, pushes me, and helps me become a better person.

Mostly,I guess, The Book of Mormon either helps me find my TicTacs, or helps me decide I never needed them in the first place.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holiday Eating Tips

1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact,if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving chocolate balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can - And quickly. It's rare. You cannot find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-alcoholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it! Have one for me … Have two! It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple, Pumpkin, Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards!

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Re-read tips: Start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner.

Have a great holiday season!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today is my dad's 72nd Birthday. He's spending the day in the hospital... again. He's actually in a care center receiving IV treatments for osteomyelitis. He's in the same care center where his mom died almost 2 years ago. I have to say, the first time I visisted my dad there I was really scared. I looked around at the old people. I watched them. I know the majority of the people in this facility have come there to die. My own Grandma went there to die. She suffered from dimentia. I am not ready for my dad to go anywhere to die. My heart pounds right now as I think what it was like taking the elevator to the floor to see my dad. The same elevator that took me to the same floor where I visited my Grandma. The same floor where my Little Granny passed away. Little Granny had a great life, and was 94 when she passed away. My dad has had a great life, but I'm not ready to lose him. But, because it's his birthday I do want to celebrate his life, and want all my friends and family who didn't know my dad in his prime, or have forgotten the way he was I'm posting some pics here to share my dad with you. So... Happy Birthday, Dad! I really, really love you!