Thursday, May 1, 2008

"The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed"

The day has finally arrived, or nearly arrived! Saturday morning at 9 AM I will be sitting in Payson taking my Concealed Carrier's Permit Class! I can't tell you how exciting this is! Yes, I am a member of the NRA. I joined a couple of years ago. I called Redge at work, and said, "Congratulations! You are now a card carrying member of the NRA!" Although Redge supports our 2nd amendment he was a bit shocked at the news. Besides BB Guns and Air Soft Guns we don't own any firearms. In the words of Wayne, "I don't own a gun, let alone many which would necissitate an entire gun rack." However, we are looking into purchasing firearms. I want a pistol of some sort. I intend to buy a shoulder holster. But, there is something, oh I don't know, intriguing and attracting about purchasing a hip holster, and wearing my gun Marshall Dillon style. What do you think? Let me know of your votes regarding how I should wear my soon to be purchased, 2nd amendment supporting, Mariska Hargitay looking personal weapon!


susan said...

Those little bunnies are really going to be in trouble now!

The Pili Aiga said...

Now I really know what Utah does to people...ha ha...just kidding all you utahns. Definitely the hip holster! Show off that puppy!

Lisa Mc said...

Bob teaches these classes once a month!! He combines Utah and Nevada!! I am proud of you. Emily is up there give her a call!