The day has finally arrived, or nearly arrived! Saturday morning at 9 AM I will be sitting in Payson taking my Concealed Carrier's Permit Class! I can't tell you how exciting this is! Yes, I am a member of the NRA. I joined a couple of years ago. I called Redge at work, and said, "Congratulations! You are now a card carrying member of the NRA!" Although Redge supports our 2nd amendment he was a bit shocked at the news. Besides BB Guns and Air Soft Guns we don't own any firearms. In the words of Wayne, "I don't own
a gun, let alone many which would necissitate an entire gun rack." However, we are looking into purchasing firearms. I want a pistol of some sort. I intend to buy a shoulder holster. But, there is something, oh I don't know, intriguing and attracting about purchasing a hip holster, and wearing my gun Marshall Dillon style. What do you think? Let me know of your votes regarding how I should wear my soon to be purchased, 2nd amendment supporting, Mariska Hargitay looking personal weapon!
Those little bunnies are really going to be in trouble now!
Now I really know what Utah does to people...ha ha...just kidding all you utahns. Definitely the hip holster! Show off that puppy!
Bob teaches these classes once a month!! He combines Utah and Nevada!! I am proud of you. Emily is up there give her a call!
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