Yep, Taite has yet another broken bone. Redge and his mom took the kids and Redge's niece to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, a couple of weeks before school started. Redge's brother, Jamie, lives in Jackson, so they were having a bit of a family reunion. I stayed home to finish school shopping and what not. They hadn't been gone 24 hours when Redge called and asked, "Guess where we are?" I responded, "The hospital." He was shocked that I guessed correctly.
Redge proceeded to tell me that Taite not only broke her hand, but was on her way to surgery. I called our good friends, the Becks, to see if they could spare one of their six kids to ride along with me so I wouldn't have to drive alone. Paula, the good friend that she is, totally revamped her entire weekend schedule to accompany me to Jackson Hole. Just as Paula and I were leaving, Redge called to tell us the doctors deemed surgery unnecessary, and he would bring home the kids the next morning, so Paula and I should just stay put. I agreed because it was already after 7PM, and Jackson is 5 hours drive. I'm sure the Becks were grateful to have Paula home rather than traveling with me, but they never said a single word about it. They were only concerned for Taite. The Becks are so great! I'm so grateful for that family!
Poor Reece, he saw the whole thing happen. They were out hiking, and Reece was up ahead of the younger kids. Taite yelled to him to wait for him. He turned around and stopped for her. As she was bounding toward him, Taite tripped over one rock, and landed on another. Reece said, "I was right there. I saw it happen, and I heard it happen." Taite's pinkie was perpendicular to her other fingers. I've tried uploading her x-rays, but can't. I'll try again later.
Taite was splinted in Jackson Hole, and casted 10 days later by her regular doctor, who, by the way, has now casted 6 bones in our family. Last Monday Taite had an appointment with Dr. Christensen in hopes of cast removal, but sadly, no. Well, she did have the blue cast removed, but only to be replaced by one of bright pink. Dr. Christensen said it is healing, but it's still broken. She has at least 3 more weeks in a cast, and probably a splint after that.
She broke it through the growth plate, so chances are the bottom joint of her right pinkie will most likely stay the size it is now for the rest of her life. It's not a huge deal because it is just one joint, and when measuring hers against mine there is minute difference. Plus, it is her dominant hand which tends to be the larger of the two, so her pinkies may be exactly the same size. However, if the right pinkie is smaller than the left she is perfectly fine with that, too, because, she explained, "My pinkie will totally match Uncle Jeff's!"