Questions and comments often arise regarding the age gap between Reece and Seth. "Gosh, you have several years between the first two kids, and the last three are very close!" Yep, you are all correct. There are four years between first two; twelve months, twelve days between the second two; and just over two years between the last two. This happend for many reasons. While living in Vegas these questions and comments occurred less often, but since moving to Utah, and especially since Reece has outgrown Redge the strange looks, questioning eyes, etc. are far more frequent. Just the other day I overheard a little boy in our neighborhood tell my kids and few others that Reece is adopted. There have been several questions regarding, "Reece's 'real' dad" as opposed to Redge.
I think I have figured out why this happens. No one here in Utah knows I was married to Redge over a year before Reece was born. Very few people in Utah know that my brothers are big old guys. Nor were the people in Utah around when I realized I was pregnant with Taite, and what a huge "surprise" it was to have babies just over a year apart.
A couple of weeks ago Redge was horribly sick. The flu went through Taite, Seth, Reece, and finally hit Redge. After five days of ickiness the High Priest Group Leader & the Elders' Quorum President stopped by our home to administer to Redge. Our friend, Brad, the HPGL, stepped up to annoint, and in so doing, asked Redge his full name. Redge replied, "Redge Reece Hudson." Under my breath I interjected, "Pretty much dispels those,'Reece must have different dad,' rumors, huh?"
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